There are multiple possible causes for the leakage at the hose(s). The main reason is that the O-ring is not placed correctly at the hose connection. When attaching the hose, this can slide and become dislocated. This means it will not seal properly, which can lead to the leak.
We would ask you to follow the following step-by-step plan:
Step 1:
Loosen the hose
Step 2:
Slide the hose back over the O-ring until it sits in the groove at the beginning of the hose
Step 3:
(Move the hose gently back and forth to reattach the O-ring if it has moved)
Step 4:
Gently slide the hose over the O-ring with a twisting motion without moving the O-ring
Step 5:
Replace the hose clamp over the O-ring
Below are two photos of both the correct and incorrect placement of the O-ring at the hose connector. Please check that it is positioned correctly, and if not, position it correctly using the above step-by-step plan.

If the problem persists, please contact local service centre for further assistance.