Air Leakage
Spray the boat/kayak with soapy water to locate the air leak. If the hole is smaller than 4 mm or the tear is shorter than 1 cm, deflate the product and repair it with a PVC patch and PVC adhesive. The adhesive should be applied to both the patch and the boat/kayak. Then, apply pressure for 30 minutes or follow the instructions on the adhesive. Recommended adhesives, special tape, and information about Intex patches can be found below. Tears in the seam cannot be repaired. If your product is under warranty, file a claim with the seller.PATCHES, ADHESIVES
Any patches can be used as long as they are made of PVC material. If you want to order original Intex patches, use the online form: https://intexcompany.cz/en/spare-parts/ Patch numbers (= spare part numbers):11410A airbeds and inflatable boats, other inflatable products
11847 PureSpa Bubble (beige) 11847B PureSpa Bubble (blue) 11848D PureSpa Jet&Bubble Deluxe (black) 12937 PureSpa Greywood Deluxe
11410 pools
Below you will find procedures for other categories of our products.
Air Leakage
Ensure that the pressure relief valve is properly tightened using the wrench provided with your hot tub. You can also find the pressure relief valve inspection manual: Additionally, ensure that the apparent deflation of the hot tub is not due to a change in external air temperature. Newer PureSpa models are equipped with a pressure relief valve that releases excess pressure caused by high temperatures during hot days. This can make the hot tub appear deflated in the early morning or late evening. More information is available here. If air is still leaking, try to locate the leak by applying soapy water to the part of the tub that is not submerged. Use a sponge and dish soap, and go over the entire surface of the hot tub. Bubbles will form at the leak site. Also, apply soapy water to the closed pressure relief valve to ensure that the leak is not coming from the valve. If it is, tighten it firmly with the wrench. The inner (removable) part of the pressure relief valve can also be purchased as a replacement part. If you find the air leak directly on a part of the tub that is not submerged and it is smaller than 5 mm, deflate the tub, degrease the perforation site, and also degrease the patch. This step is crucial and will determine whether the patch will hold. Prepare clamps or a suitable weight to press down on the patch at the leak site. Apply a suitable adhesive (soft PVC adhesive) and follow the adhesive's instructions. Leave the tub unpressurized for 48 hours. Patches for hot tubs are included in the package. Recommended adhesives, special tape, and information about Intex patches can be found below. If the tear is in a part of the tub that is underwater, turn off the bubble or jet functions. Watch to see if bubbles form in the water, which would indicate the location of the air leak. If the air leak is underwater, apply the patch as described in the paragraph above. Seam tears cannot be repaired. If your hot tub is still under warranty, file a claim with the seller. If you cannot find the air leak and your hot tub is still under warranty, file a claim with the seller. Inflatable tubs are not serviceable. You can only locate the air leak and attempt to repair it or, if the product is under warranty, file a claim with the seller. Alternatively, you can purchase a new tub.Water Leakage
If your PureSpa tub has air intake jets (on the outside of the tub), make sure there is not too much water in the tub, as this could cause water to leak through the jets. The water level mark inside the tub indicates the maximum water level, including people in the tub. If water is leaking from the drain valve and the hot tub is still under warranty, file a claim with the seller. If it is out of warranty and you want to attempt a repair, drain the water and clean and dry the drain valve. Stick a patch next to the drain valve.